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VJ Day Commemoration at Nelson
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VJ Day Commemoration at Nelson
Special Projects  |  08.16.2020 12:37 am  |  1099  |  A+ | a-

VJ Day Service Pendle.

Due to the present lockdown in Pendle the original large commemoration parade had to be cancelled, however the Armed Forces Support Group, reached an agreement with the Council for a much reduced service, as we all felt that not honouring those of the area who were involved in the Japanese theatre of war was not really an option.

So Chairman Michael Sutcliff and 5 of the team including standard bearers Andrew Peverley and Frank Fenn, were joined by Deputy Lord Lieutenant Mrs Christie Buchanan, The Mayor Councillor Ken Hartley, and a short service was conducted by Rev Guy Jamison the AFSG Padre .

Mrs Buchanan laid a flower arrangement on behalf of the Borough in remembrance and commemoration of the men, and women who were part of what was a terrible struggle in WW2.

A 2 minute Silence was observed following the last post played by David Gawthorpe.

Mrs Harriet Clayton was kind enough to join us and at the service end and released 4 white doves as a sign of hopefully peace to come.

Photo 1 The 2 minute silence

Photo 2 The Standard Bearers

Photo 3 Doves are released.

Photo 4 Mrs Buchanan, Deputy Lord Lieutenant, lays a floral arrangement.

Pictures Christopher Sutcliff
